For when your world feels like it’s falling apart
Are You in the Midst of God’s Most Profound Work?
God accomplishes His most profound work in the lives of His children not in times of tranquility but in seasons of hardship. Bruce Demerest Seasons of the Soul For examples from ordinary people like you of how God does His most profound work take a look at Sacred Suffering.
Are You a Monkey or a Kitten?
Guilt, the feeling of having done something wrong, can be one of the emotions that surfaces when we are facing some sort of trial or suffering. These feelings can needlessly deepen our suffering. We may wonder what we did wrong to deserve the pain in our lives, or we consider ourselves being paid back for … Read more Are You a Monkey or a Kitten?
Keep Reading. It Gets Better!
A good reminder for all days and especially for difficult days
The best place to hide
Pain as a Disguised Answer to Prayer
Recently my beloved daughter-in-law, Melody Fillmore, posted a prayer that she had written to her Facebook page. It reads: God give me the strength to wake up with hope and joy each morning. Give me calm in the midst of madness. Let peace be my armor and kindness my arrows. Open my heart to that which … Read more Pain as a Disguised Answer to Prayer